Alaska Medical Marijuana Caregiver Information

Apply For Alaska Medical Marijuana Card Online

What Is a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in Alaska?

A medical marijuana caregiver in Alaska is an adult who has consented to assist a qualified patient in obtaining, growing, transporting, and administering medical marijuana. Alaska permits residents under the age of 18 as well as adults who lack the capacity to care for themselves to designate caregivers to help them with medical marijuana use. Such persons may assign one primary caregiver and one alternate caregiver. For minors, designated caregivers are typically required to be their parents or legal guardians.

Alaska also stipulates that a primary or an alternate caregiver can only assist one patient per time unless the caregiver is concurrently caring for two or more patients related to them, at least, fourth degree by blood or marriage. Per Section 17.37.010(q) of the Alaska Statutes, a primary caregiver may only act as the primary caregiver when the individual is in physical possession of the caregiver registry identification card. If the alternate caregiver is in physical possession of the caregiver registry identification card, the alternate caregiver may act as the primary caregiver.

How to Become a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in Alaska

To qualify as a medical marijuana caregiver in Alaska, you must:

  • Not have been convicted of a felony offense related to drugs, narcotics, or a controlled substance either in Alaska or another jurisdiction
  • Not be on probation or parole in Alaska or another jurisdiction
  • Be aged 21 or older
  • Be a permanent resident of the State of Alaska
  • Be a primary or alternate caregiver for only one patient per time, unless the primary or alternate caregiver is concurrently caring for two or more patients related to the caregiver by blood or marriage

Registration for a caregiver is completed by the patient associated with the caregiver through the Medical Marijuana Registry Application form. The registration may be done at the time of the patient's registration for a medical marijuana card or at a later time. In the application, the following caregiver documentation will be required:

  • A photocopy of the primary caregiver's State of Alaska-issued driver's license or Alaska identification card
  • A witness' signature. A witness must be present when the primary caregiver signs and dates the application. The witness is required to certify under perjury that the caregiver information provided is true
  • If the application form is completed on behalf of a minor patient, an original statement in writing that the patient or legal guardian serving as a caregiver:
  • Consents to serve as the primary caregiver of the patient
  • Consents for the patient to engage in the use of medical marijuana

If the patient is assigning an alternate caregiver on their application, the same documentation and condition must be provided and fulfilled by the alternate caregiver. Mail completed applications to:

Health Analytics and Vital Records

Medical Marijuana Registry

PO Box 110699

Juneau, AK 99811-0699

Phone: 907-465-5423

Within 30 days of submission, the Department of Health and Social Services will review the information and, if approved, will issue registration identification cards to the patient and the caregiver within 5 days. For more information on obtaining caregiver registration cards in Alaska, call the Alaska medical marijuana registration unit at (907) 465-5423.

How to Find a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in Alaska

It is the responsibility of a patient to find an adult Alaskan to serve as their medical marijuana primary caregiver or alternate caregiver. The state does not assign caregivers to patients. Although caregivers are required to register in the medical marijuana registry, the registry is only a list of caregivers who have consented to help other patients and not a database of potential caregivers. Pursuant to AS 40.25.100 -40.25.295, the information in the registry is not public record but may be accessed by peace officers and authorized officers of the municipal or state law enforcement agencies for specific purposes.

How Much Marijuana Can a Caregiver Have in Alaska?

Alaska primary and alternate medical marijuana caregivers can purchase, possess, and transport 28.35 grams or 1 ounce of any form of usable marijuana. Note that marijuana purchased or obtained with a patient's medical marijuana registration cannot be used by their caregiver.

How Many Marijuana Plants Can a Caregiver Have in Alaska?

Medical marijuana caregivers may grow up to six marijuana plants in Alaska, of which no more than three may be mature at any time. The cultivation must be done away from public view and in locations inaccessible to minors.

In this section:
Alaska Marijuana Caregiver Information